Tomato Seed Planting Instructions: Growing and Caring for Tomatoes from Seeds

This article covers a variety of topics and most question related to growing tomatoes from seeds, such as how to germinate them, how deep to plant them, how many seeds to plant together, and when to start them indoors.
This article also discussed how to save tomato seeds for future planting.
I hope you found this information useful.

Tomato Seed Planting Instructions: Growing and Caring for Tomatoes from Seeds

How many tomato seeds per hole ?

Place 2-3 tomato seeds in each hole, and once they’ve grown a few inches tall, thin them out to leave only one plant per hole.

How many tomato seeds should you plant together?

Planting only one tomato seed per hole is generally recommended to ensure that each seed has enough space and nutrients to grow into a healthy plant. If you do decide to plant multiple seeds in one hole, limit it to two seeds to avoid overcrowding and resource competition. After the seeds germinate and grow into seedlings, thin them out and keep only the strongest.

Can you plant 2 tomato seeds together?

Planting two tomato seeds in the same hole is not recommended because the seedlings may compete for nutrients, light, and space. This can lead to weaker plants and lower yields. It’s best to stick to tomato plant spacing guidelines, which can vary depending on the variety and growing conditions. To allow for proper growth and development, tomato plants should be spaced at least 18-24 inches apart.

How deep do you put tomato seeds?

Tomato seeds should be planted in the soil about 1/4 to 1/2 inch (0.6 to 1.3 cm) deep. The size of the seed should determine the depth of the planting hole. Larger seeds should be planted a little deeper than smaller ones. After planting, water lightly and keep the soil moist until the seedlings emerge.

Can you put more than one tomato seed in a hole?

Yes, you can put more than one tomato seed in a hole, but this is generally not recommended because it can cause overcrowding and resource competition among the seedlings.
It is best to evenly space the seeds and allow enough space for each plant to grow and thrive.
If more than one seedling emerges from a single hole, thin them out and let the strongest one continue to grow.

Can i plant tomato seeds directly in the ground?

Yes, tomato seeds can be planted directly in the ground. However, because outdoor conditions such as temperature and moisture levels can vary and may not be ideal for seed germination, the success rate of germination may be lower than when starting them indoors. It’s also critical to ensure that the soil is warm enough for germination, so wait until after your area’s last frost date before planting seeds directly in the ground.

How to germinate tomato seeds?

The following are the general procedures for germinating tomato seeds:

  1. Begin by purchasing high-quality seeds from a reputable source.
  2. Fill a small container or seedling tray halfway with moistened seed-starting mix or a peat moss-vermiculite mix.
  3. In each cell or container, place one or two tomato seeds on top of the mix.
  4. Apply a thin layer of seed-starting mix or vermiculite to the seeds.
  5. Mist the soil’s surface with water to moisten it.
  6. Cover the container or seedling tray with plastic wrap or a clear lid to create a greenhouse-like environment that will aid in the moisture and warmth retention of the seeds.
  7. Put the container or seedling tray somewhere warm, like near a south-facing window or on top of a heat mat.
  8. Check on the seeds on a daily basis and mist the soil with water as needed to keep it moist but not soaked.
  9. Remove the plastic wrap or lid and place the container or seedling tray under a grow light or in a bright, sunny window once the seeds have germinated and small seedlings have emerged.
  10. Transplant the seedlings into larger containers or into your garden once they have developed their first set of true leaves.

Tomato seeds germinate best when the soil temperature is between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and they typically take 5 to 10 days to germinate.

Stages of growing tomatoes from seed.

The following are the typical stages of tomato growth from seed:

  1. Tomato seeds are germinated in seed starting trays or pots with a growing medium and placed in a warm, well-lit location.
  2. Tomato seeds germinate in 5 to 10 days at temperatures ranging from 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (21-27 degrees Celsius).
  3. Seedling Growth: Once the tomato seeds germinate, the seedlings require light to grow.
    They should be grown in a bright, sunny environment or under grow lights.
    Seedlings should be watered on a regular basis and fertilized with a diluted fertilizer.
  4. Hardening Off: As the seedlings grow, they must gradually become accustomed to outdoor conditions.
    This is known as “hardening off,” and it involves exposing the plants to outdoor conditions for longer and longer periods of time each day.
  5. Transplanting: When the seedlings have hardened off and the weather has warmed up sufficiently, they can be transplanted into larger pots or directly into the ground.
  6. Tomato plants, once transplanted, require regular watering, fertilization, and pruning to promote healthy growth and fruit production.
    Staking or caging is also required to support the plants’ growth.
  7. Harvesting: Tomato plants can take 60 to 100 days to mature, depending on the variety.
    Tomatoes should be picked when fully ripe for the best flavor.

How to save tomato seeds?

Saving tomato seeds is an excellent way to preserve the genetics of a particular tomato plant that you have grown and eaten.
The following are the steps for saving tomato seeds:

  1. Pick a ripe and healthy tomato: Choose a tomato that is fully ripe and has not been harmed by insects or disease.
  2. Cut the tomato in half crosswise with a sharp knife, so that the stem end and blossom end are both visible.
  3. Scoop out the seeds and pulp: Using a spoon, scoop out the tomato seeds and pulp into a clean container.
  4. Fill the container halfway with water and stir the mixture.
    Allow it to sit for a few days at room temperature until a white mold appears on the surface.
    The fermentation process aids in the separation of the seeds from the pulp.
  5. To separate the seeds from the pulp, strain the mixture through a fine mesh strainer.
    To remove any remaining pulp or debris, thoroughly rinse the seeds with water.
  6. Spread the seeds out on a paper towel or a screen to dry.
    Allow them to dry for a few days in a warm, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  7. When the seeds are completely dry, place them in a small, airtight container.
    Make a note of the tomato variety and the date the seeds were saved on the container.

You can save tomato seeds from your favorite plants to use in future growing seasons by following these steps.

When to start tomato seeds indoors?

The timing for starting tomato seeds indoors will vary depending on your location, climate, and the type of tomato you are growing.
Tomato seeds should be started indoors about 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost date in your area.
This will allow the seeds to germinate and grow into healthy seedlings before they are transplanted outside.

Check with your local extension office or use online resources such as the National Gardening Association’s Frost Dates Calculator to determine your last expected frost date.
Count back 6-8 weeks from your last expected frost date to determine when to start your tomato seeds indoors.